national phone




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1·The problem is its national phone system is a rusting antique that dates from the l930s.
2·To partially overcome the problem of funds and to speed the import of Western technology, Hungary sold a 30% stake in its national phone company to two Western companies.
3·Simultaneously, during a second phone call, the Coast Guard spokeswoman informed us that its National command Center and other command posts knew nothing about any activity in the area.
4·As part of National Cell phone Recycling Week, the agency is working with mobile phone companies to encourage people to recycle their phones.
5·FDA also cites a separate National Cancer Institute program finding that, despite the dramatic increase in cell phone use, occurrences of brain cancer did not increase between 1987 and 2005.
6·Now imagine that preemptive diagnosis being transmitted to a national, web-based influenza map - simply by picking up the phone.
7·"We go out into the bay everyday to get data on the shark population," Enrico Gennari told National Geographic News Watch in a phone interview.
“我们每天都要到海湾来采集鲨鱼种群的数据,”Enrico Gennari在一次国家地理新闻观察的电话采访中说。
8·Also involved are mobile phone operators such as 02 and the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence.
参与这项计划的机构还有移动电话运营商,比如02公司;还有英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所(National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence)。
9·In February, a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, revealed radiation emitted after just 50 minutes on a mobile phone increases the activity in brain cells.
10·Many of the national reports suggest, for example, that ever having been a regular mobile-phone user offers statistically significant protection against some brain tumours.
更新时间:2025-02-22 18:56